Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Well, Here it is!

I have to say, I'm a little bit nervous about posting these pictures, but I'm going to face it   HEAD ON!    THE ART ROOM!

Well, let's not rush into this...

First, I have to show you a few pictures of the neat parts of my house so you won't think I'm a complete SLOB. As I said in an earlier post, I love order but am prone to disorder. Here is my kitchen and you will see BOTH.

I think the Flylady calls this a "hot spot".

Order and disorder together!

Now for my kitchen cabinets-   They're GOOD!

(sorry about the poor light)

Even my pantry  is okay  - Not pretty, but we can find everything.

Now, here we go...      UPSTAIRS....  THE ART ROOM OF DOOM!

I can't even get in the door!

There are some really good workbenches under here that I made a few years ago.

Now you know the ugly truth.

Here is my PLAN. I am visiting our family cabin this weekend so I am going to get started on this next week. I really AM, because I've said so on my blog! Tune in as I go.

My next post will show a few things I have made with HOOKS and NEEDLES.

Thank you SO MUCH for joining me here at home and please leave me a comment to let me know what you think. Talk to ya soon.


1 comment:

  1. Jeanette,
    I tackled a room similar to your art room last summer. It took about 2 weeks of serious organizing/purging to accomplish order. As for the desk in your kitchen, I had the same issue, and the only solution for us was to remove the desk. Your home is lovely and I am loving your blog!
    Lori H


Hi friends! Thank you so much for leaving me a comment. I LOVE to hear what you think and I PROMISE I will respond to each and every one!
xoxo Jeanette