Saturday, April 14, 2012

A Little piece of Heaven on Earth

 When I go to my "Happy Place" I am always at the Little River in Townsend, Tennessee, "The Peaceful Side Of the Smokies", as their welcome sign reads. I have visited this river every summer since I was born and it makes me... whole, calm, peaceful, closer to God, HAPPY! The cabin we are staying in belonged to my Great Aunt Maurine and her presence is felt everywhere here. Especially in the garden. Today I have been raking leaves and trying to find some of the wildflowers that she transplanted to this hillside. It bears noting that she didn't move here until her late 70's so you when you see the pictures you will be impressed with her physical abilities.

This is the street side and is nice and flat.The back of the house has a large screened in porch that overlooks the river.

THE backporch

Plenty of rocking chairs for rockin' the day away.

This shows how steep the backyard gets.
The far end of the porch has a swing and a daybed.

The view from the swing.

The beach area for swimming and sunning.

The beach in relation to the cabin.
Some Maidenhair ferns that Aunt Maurine planted.

 Where is your "Happy Place"?  It is my prayer that everyone has somewhere they can go to get away from it all. We all need a little piece of heaven here on earth! Thanks for visiting today!


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